Orphaned Oak
Oak and elm box
Here is a fantastic, sturdy and strong utility box: handsome and rugged, it would be suitable for carrying tools, equipment, food.. all kinds of stuff. It is 20" long and 12" wide, and I decided to make a loose-fitting, drop-in lid for it, so it can be used covered or uncovered.

The ends were cut from the semi-circular leaves of a small drop-leaf occasional table rescued from a rubbish recycling centre. Sitting underneath the part-finished box you can see the beautiful grain of a nice piece of elm, part of an ancient bookcase, that is the only piece I could find wide enough to make the lid.

The sides were made from another tabletop, and the bottom is made from thin strips of solid oak from the back of a corner cupboard. Below you can see the lid now cut to size, with rebated edges to fit into the box, beeswax and oil polished.

Fully waxed and finished, ready for use. The elm grain of the lid is particularly attractive.

Looking quite at home in the house.