Orphaned Oak
Magazine rack orphan
My daughter saw this splendid little magazine rack in a charity shop. Realising it was all solid oak, she brought it to my attention, and it was duly rescued. I used the wood for a few things - see below.

Scraping off the top

Cleaned up and starting to take shape The top will be the seat of a new stool, and the ends will be turned the other way up to make the legs.

Cutting angled tenons on the top of the legs, and then cutting mortices into the seat, at a corresponding angle

I made a bracing strut for the stool, using the magazine dividing rail from inside the rack, and fashioned some small tapered pegs to secure it.

All the component parts are given an initial coat of beeswax and oil.

As with all the things I make, the stool will have two more coats of beeswax before it is finished.

The rack had thin panels of solid oak at the sides, and from these I made a couple of small boxes. I was particularly delighted with the lovely grain pattern. More about this on the Small Boxes page